Important! Upon successful payment, you will be automatically directed to the confirmation page.
Do I have to have a PayPal Account?
No. When you click the “View Cart” button, you are taken to PayPal’s interface, but you click the grey “Check Out” button to pay with a debit or credit card.
Is it secure?
Yes. You will be entering your payment information on PayPal’s website which is the gold-standard for internet security.
What is this fee being used for?
The fees are being used to pay for member event expenses such as hiring speakers or reserving venues.
Who is receiving this money?
The fee is being sent directly to the MN Harp Society bank account.
I’m filling this out for multiple people. Do I need to make a separate payment for each person?
No. You have the ability to add multiple membership types to your cart, and you can adjust quantity on the cart page.
If you have questions at any point during the registration process, you can exit and send us a message. Links are provided on every page of this registration process to allow you to return to the step you were on.
I already did this part, or wish to pay with check later. Let me skip to the last page.